Blooming flowers in Inner Quad, Main Campus

Inner Quad, Main Campus 

Stanford University and Urban Studies provide a great deal of resources for thesis writers.

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Resources for Thesis Writers

Data Collection and Statistical Analysis

The Social Science Data and Software, located in the Bing Wing of Green Library, provides assistance to Stanford students, staff and faculty in survey design and data entry, the selection and use of statistical software, and the acquisition of numerical data. They can be helpful in determining the best method to collect and analyze data for your thesis. 

Human Subjects

If you want to conduct interviews or surveys in your research, you must first contact the Administrative Panel of Human Subjects in Non-Medical Research and follow their procedures for obtaining approval of your proposed study. 

Public Service Scholars Program

The Public Service Scholars Program (PSSP) is a program of the Haas Center for Public Service.  PSSP helps students to prepare an honors thesis that connects public service with students’ academic work and research interests.  Students admitted to the program participate in PSSP during their senior year concurrently with the honors program in their major academic department or program. Students from all majors are encouraged to consider this opportunity.

Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR)

The office of Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) gives two types of research grants for undergraduate honors students. Major grants (awarded once a year) start at $5000 for research-related expenses; with a need-based supplement and location-based supplement for qualifying students. 

  • Major grants enable you to conduct field research during the summer between junior and senior year.  To take advantage of this opportunity, submit your proposal by the deadline in your junior year.
  • Small grant deadlines are quarterly.

For more information on deadlines and the application timeline

Bing Summer Honors College

Bing Summer Honors College provides selected students the opportunity to get a head start on their honors theses under the supervision of faculty members from their major departments and programs. All participants receive free room and board on campus during Honors College.

Writing Assistance

The Hume Writing Center provides writing workshops and thesis writing "boot camps" as well as individual consultations.